Janice Doodles

Monday, September 10, 2007

Alphabet Dinners

My friend Hama and I came up with this idea quite randomly... we were out getting food to eat when (at the cash register) we realized that all our food began with P (perogies, POM juice, and pull apart cake... i know sounds good doesnt it :P). so we decided that once i moved into my new place we would start with A and work our way through the alphabet. Well it was my turn this month... so here are some pictures of our dinner.
so here it is... our dinner. (clockwise from top right) we had artichoke and asiago dip, asparagas (grilled on the bbq with garlic, salt, pepper and oil), apricot glazed pork tenderloin (very yummy and easy to make), an avacado and papaya salad (i also added some mango), and to drink we had some apple wine. I made the salad, asparagas, and pork, and hama brought the wine and dip. and for dessert christine made a delicious apple pie... from scratch... boy was that good.
yummy... perfect way to finish off a meal.

i know this is quite dark, but this took a couple tries, and the ice cream was melting so we just had to eat it.

but boy was that a good dinner... cant wait for the B dinner... hmmm, what to make.


  • At 5:24 PM, Blogger Louise Chapman said…

    wow janice, quite the chef!!

  • At 6:30 PM, Blogger Janie said…

    this is such a funny and fantastic idea. i love it.
    we used to make meals of things all the same color, but this is much more esthetically pleasing. lol


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